Mary, Mother of God, most holy and immaculate Virgin, by the love thou dost ever bear to God, by the gratitude thou has towards Him for the manifold graces and favors with which thou was enriched by Him, particularly for the privilege granted to thee alone of thy Immaculate Conception, and by the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, thy divine Son, our Lord, we pray thee most earnestly to obatin for us a most perfect and constant devotion towards thyself, and a full trust that, through thy most mighty intercession, we shall receive all the graces which we ask. Certain henceforth of obatining them from thy great goodness, with hearts overflowing with joy and thankfulness, we venerate thee; repeating the salutation which the holy Archangel Gabriel made to thee… Hail Mary etc.
Visits to the Altar of Mary 389-390.
A seriously good ol’ Catholic book: Welcome! Holy Communion: Before and After.