Some Catholic TV from Canada

It’s possible to watch some shows from Salt and Light Catholic TV online. Select the numbers on this page. Certainly much different from EWTN. Better? Worse? I like the higher quality production.  The content can be more scattered, though.  The teen show is quite scattered, although they have good intentions and decent hosts.

Listen to a computer read the Pope’s latest encyclical.  It’s not half bad.

Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Eucharist (Community from Mexico)



Our Charism is to become more like Jesus, priest and victim, Who in the Eucharist offers Himself to the Father for the salvation of the world.

Daily, we adore Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist exposed on the altar in our convent chapels.

Founded in 1945 in Mexico City by Servant of God Mother M. Auxilia de la Cruz: “You must surrender totally to the Holy Spirit so that He may transform you into Jesus, and specifically into Jesus-Eucharist, into Jesus the Victim” (from the writings of Mother M. Auxilia de la Cruz)

The community received spiritual and material support from the Servant of God Archbishop Luis María Martínez. With permission of the Holy See, the Servant of God approved the Institute as a religious congregation of diocesan right on November 15, 1954.

Through our works and our life of prayer and contemplation, we witness to God’s unfathomable, merciful love.

Our apostolic works include:

Daily prayer for the Church and for priests

Personal Eucharistic Adoration and the Promotion of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

Catechesis of children and adults.

Formation of Catechists

Individual and group retreats in our convent

“How beautiful and pleasing to the Most Blessed Trinity is the Oblate who follows the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and lives in its plentitude this sublime Eucharistic and priestly program of Christian life, adding to it with love her religious obligations as pointed out to her by her Constitutions.” Mother M. Auxilia de la Cruz

Located in Mexico and in the United States at Stockbridge, MA and Washington, DC.

Watch a video about the charism of the Sisters (in Spanish).

For more information, contact:

Sister Luz Castro, O.SS.E.
Eden Hill
Stockbridge, MA 01262
Phone (413) 298-1252

Washington, DC e-mail:

oblatesdc ‘at’

Hermanas Oblatas de la Santisima Eucaristia


Las Hermanas Oblatas de la Santísima Eucaristía, somos una Congregación religiosa de vida contemplativa. Vivimos una vida verdaderamente consagrada, en comunidad de fe, de amor fraterno y de servicio apostólico, según nuestro especial Carisma. Nuestra suprema Regla de vida, es el seguimiento de Jesucristo Virgen, pobre y obediente, tal como se propone en el Evangelio y se expresa en nuestras Constituciones. (Constituciones No. 3)


Las Hermanas Oblatas de la Santísima Eucaristía fuimos fundadas en 1945 en la ciudad de México por la Reverenda Madre Ma. Auxilia de la Cruz, religiosa Dominica del Santísimo Rosario, con el beneplácito y apoyo espiritual y aún material del Siervo de Dios Monseñor Luis María Martínez, arzobispo Primado de México. Con la autorización de la Santa Sede, el Siervo de Dios aprobó al Instituto como Congregación religiosa de derecho diocesano el 15 de noviembre de 1954.


(Carisma es aquél aspecto de la persona de Jesús que queremos reproducir en nuestra vida). El Carisma de la O.SS.E. consiste en identificarse con Jesús Eucaristía, Sacerdote y Víctima, que en el Sacramento de su Amor se ofrece a sí mismo al Padre por la salvación de los hombres. Por el Carisma eucarístico, las O.SS.E. estamos llamadas a ser hostias de Jesús para la gloria del Padre y la Salvación de los hombres.


Nuestra misión principal consiste llevar a los hombres y mujeres del mundo entero a Jesús Eucaristía, enseñándolos a vivir en su amor y de su amor. “Ser en el mundo, -como decía nuestra fundadora- apóstoles de la Eucaristía”.

Los rasgos más esenciales de la espiritualidad de la Oblata de la Santísima Eucaristía son:

La identificación con Jesús, Sacerdote y Víctima que en la Eucaristía se ofrece por la gloria del Padre y la salvación de los hombres.

La comunión viva con la Santísima Trinidad.

La docilidad al Espíritu Santo dejándose guiar y enseñar por Él a través de la Iglesia.

La piedad filial al Padre y a la Santísima Virgen, nuestra Madre y Modelo.

El amor fraterno que dimana de la comunión con la Santísima Trinidad.

El espíritu eclesial y apostólico.

La contemplación unida a la actividad apostólica propia de la Congregación siendo contemplativas en la acción.

El espíritu litúrgico.

Una forma de clausura propia de nuestra vida contemplativa y apostólica.


Las Oblatas de la Santísima Eucaristía, formamos una Congregación de vida contemplativa y evangelizadora. Por lo mismo, nuestro principal apostolado es la oración y el testimonio de nuestra entrega.

La adoración perpetua al Santísimo Sacramento es la mejor manera de colaborar con la Iglesia en la extensión del Reino de Dios en el mundo.

La oración constante por toda la Iglesia, especialmente por los sacerdotes.

Promover el culto a Jesús Eucaristía por todos los medios a nuestro alcance.

La catequesis a niños y adultos.

La formación de catequistas.

Atención en nuestras casas, donde el espacio lo permita, a grupos de personas que deseen hacer unos días de retiro o ejercicios espirituales.

Atención a los sacerdotes siendo un apoyo en su vida, para ayudarlos a vivir con mayor fidelidad su vocación sacerdotal.


Los medios par llevar a cabo nuestra misión y apostolado son principalmente:

La oración.

El silencio.

La vivencia diaria de la Eucaristía.

La vida fraterna vivida en comunidad.

El testimonio de nuestra vida Consagrada.


El lema de la Congregación es: POR CRISTO, CON CRISTO Y EN CRISTO, y nos recuerda que debemos vivir una vida de constante oblación, es decir, de amoroso ofrecimiento y de entrega generosa al Señor para que Él haga de nuestra vida lo que hace de la suya en la Eucaristía: una ofrenda de alabanza al Padre y un sacrificio de salvación por toda la humanidad.

Video sobre carisma:

Si deseas conocer mas de nuestra Congregacion por favor dirigete a:

Hna. Rosario Ma. Salas Nieto
Hna. Sara Ortiz Vargas
Calle Miraflores No. 11 Col Ampliacion Tepepan
C. P. 16060, Xochimilco, D.F.

México, D.F. (55) 56 41 01 36
León, Gto. (477) 7 17 02 22
Guadalajara, Jal. (33) 36 01 25 70
San Mateo Ixtlahuaca, Edo. de México (743) 741 05 28

En U.S.A.
Hna. Luz Castro, O.SS.E.,
Eden Hill
Stockbridge, MA 01262
luzmariacastro “at”


Hna. Estella Szymanski
2907 Ellicott Terrace, NW
Washington, DC 20008

oblatesdc ‘at’

Otra página web: Hermanas Oblatas

Chiara Luce Badano prayer

My translation from the Italian:

O Father, we give you thanks
for the Christian testimony of Chiara Badano
Animated by your Spirit and intimately united with Jesus,
she revealed that the ideal of life is love
and in love she joyfully offered her youth
for the mission of the Church.
If it is your will, grant that Chiara be
recognized as "venerable"
for the building up of the faithful.
We ask this of you through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

The prayer was expanded, and now here’s the new translation given on the website:

O Father, beginning of all good,
Who for the merits of your Son Jesus
Bring wonders of goodness
To those who confide in your love,
we give you thanks
for the Christian testimony of Chiara Badano.
Animated by your Spirit,
in her union with Jesus, she found the light
to recognize that love is the ideal of life,
and the strength to carry out,
in total abandonment to your will
the offering her youth
for the mission of the Church.
If it is your will, grant that Chiara be
recognized as "venerable"
for the building up of the faithful,
we ask you the grace …
for the elevation of your Fatherly goodness.
We ask this of you through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Update: She is now a “Venerable Servant of God.” Change “Venerable” to “Blessed.”

Dion and the Sibyls

I commented on this great Catholic novel in some of my "lost entries."  It’s quite an obscure work, although occasionally a used copy may show up on or (at present, I see 7 copies available there).

The novel was often compared to Ben Hur.  In this case, the novel deals with Roman gentiles for the most part, rather than Jews, and tells a story from the time of Christ with a number of familiar characters–particularly in Roman government.  Dion is Dionysius the Areopagite, who receives a mention in St. Paul’s letters.

There are some great scenes in the book of daring adventure.  The end seemed a bit rushed to me, trying to tie up loose ends too quickly.  While most of the book is carefully researched, the end doesn’t seem to work quite as well.  Nonetheless, the overall story is worth the read.

An abridged form of the book can be read online, but it isn’t exactly reader-friendly.  A collection of books and journals online called Making of America from the University of Michigan has the book from the magazine Catholic World in serial form, but you have to go to each issue and view the pages.  If you search for the title "Dion and the Sibyls" on the page linked to above, you pull up a number of articles that refer to it.  The Catholic World articles that are part of it are the ones to look at.  It’s best to just get the Journal articles (on the left side of the screen you can click a reference to the journal articles only).  Searches for such things as "Lourdes" or "Holy Father" will net many articles from Catholic World also.  This is quite a service the U. of Michigan has provided for those who want to read a Catholic magainze from the 1800s.

The story behind U2 songs

As a teenager, I listened to U2’s Joshua Tree album innumerable times. However, I never really grasped what most of the songs are about. Thanks to the FAQs of the Internet, here are answers for two.

2.3.2 What’s the story behind "Where the Streets Have No Name"?
[SW] Back during the time of the whole Ethiopia starvation crisis, Bono and his wife Ali did a 6 week deal over there as volunteer relief workers or something of the such. The tent cities that were set up for the people were just lined up in rows, and that was how these people lived, hence there were streets without names. ‘high on a desert plain’ would be referring to Ethiopia, as well as the mentions of being ‘blown by the wind’ and ‘trampled in dust’, as it was a drought and I’d imagine, awfully dusty. Also, I would assume that ‘and when I go there, I go there with you…’ would be referring to Ali. IMO, the beginning lines are written in frustration at the misery and hopelessness of the situation and his inability to make very much of a difference.

from this page

And then…

11. Who are the "Mothers of the Disappeared"?

In 1976, a military coup brought Argentina under the violence and terror of a dictatorship. Approximately 30,000 citizens were kidnapped by military death squads and disappeared. The mothers of those kidnapped united in a search for their missing children, and courageously stood up in a lone resistance against the dictatorship. They demanded the "re-appearance alive" of their families then and to this very day, in which Argentina is again democratic, but those responsible for the genocide go unpunished.

At U2’s first PopMart show in Buenos Aires on February 5, 1998, the Mothers of the Disappeared came on stage holding signs and pictures of their missing loved ones, and after the performance of the song put their white scarves around Bono’s neck. The crowd began to sing their national anthem. [AC]

from this page

The return of “Mercy and Mary”

After getting severly hacked, my site, along with some other Cybercatholics blogs, is back up and running. A number of entries were lost, including the famous "Matt Maher new CD" entry. It seems my blog has gone through a purification of sorts.

Sic transit gloria mundi.  Or should I say "Sic transit gloria blogi"? 

I’m in the process of preparation for ordination to priesthood, which is scheduled for February. Blogging will be occasional.

Fr. Benson’s Lord of the World was excellent.  I recommend it, as long as you are not easily depressed.  It seems Benedict XVI has read it, since he referred to it in a talk years ago.

Expect further developments soon.