A big saint in Ethiopia, his feast day is Oct. 27. His story sounds like it would make a good movie.
Monthly Archives: October 2004
Life here
Sitting at the Dominican House of Studies library. The computer are in the philosophy section, so I’m surrounded by books like Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature and Charles Peirce’s Empericism. Ya gotta be in a certain frame of mind to read such things. Of course, we take a moderate realist philosophical position based on Thomism here at the D-house. I am, and thus I can think. Couldn’t think if I didn’t exist, ya know.
It’s Fr. Kaz!
My first superior when I joined the Marians, Fr. Kaz Chwalek, can be heard in this clip from Relevant Radio.
A lot is going on. There’s an interesting article about Fr. Pavone visiting Terri Schivao gathering attention.