Momentous Changes

Since I was born after the Novus Ordo had already been approved and promulgated, the antagonism towards what is now the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite among those who remember when it was the only form is something of a mystery to me. This is why I have taken to reading things like this:

Saturday Evening Post November 1964

The article explains a lot. Basically, once upon a time there was a battle between two factions of the Church. One was called the “progressive” faction and one was deemed the “conservative” faction. These two couldn’t stand each other.

I am amazed that many of the words used then are still used now: “traditionalists,” “progressive,” “conservative,” “relevant,” “radical right.” Both “oppression” and “repression” were terms used to describe the “conservatives,” while the “progressives” had “compassion,” a “pioneering mood,” and were focused on “reform.” There was a “new breed” of seminarians and sisters.

Well, guess what? Now there’s a “new breed” of seminarians and sisters. After all, it has been 44 years! The “radical new” way of celebrating Mass, which the cover alludes to, is now old. Been there, done that. Why does everything have to be so plain? We are starting to see once again “momentous changes!”

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