The Ultra-Obscure Jordan Aumann, O.P. LP set (Listen Here)

Have you seen this LP set lately?

Jordan Aumann LP

Jordan Aumann, O.P. Conferences on the Religious Life for the Sisters, ACTA Publications

I can’t find any mention of it anywhere on the Internet.
So, here’s the first mention.

This set is, as one would expect, excellent. There is an abundance of quality food-for-thought. Although it is directed to sisters, priests and brothers can learn a thing or two from it also. Many of the principles discussed are common to all types of religious life. The vows are still the same vows that religious have been professing for a long, long time.

Here is the first conference: Vocation to Perfection
The second conference: Until Death.
The third conference: Obedience.
The fourth conference: Chastity.
The fifth conference: Poverty.
The sixth conference: The Common Life.
The seventh conference: The Constitutions.
The eighth conference: The Religious Superior.
Love, Hallmark of Sanctity

I have the permission of the copyright holder to freely distribute these works, and you may also download them.

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