Abortion and Slavery

It is interesting to try to compare the problem of abortion with the problem of slavery.

If one does so, then one has to compare the “slaveowner” to the “unborn one.” I use “one” in order to get some common ground on a term here.

It is the “unborn one” that holds the woman in slavery. The question becomes, can she be freed from this “slaveowner”? As a matter of fact, both sides say “yes.” It is just a matter of timing.

For those who argue for “choice,” they are really arguing for “choice during pregnancy.” In this case, the “unborn one” can be done away with (“terminated”) at any time, but it must be prior to the end of pregnancy, at least from the perspective of many who take this side. Some will go farther, but they don’t have the law backing them… yet.

Those who argue for “life”, argue that a woman can put the “born one” (baby, now most would agree) up for adoption and thus be “free” of the “slaveowner,” but that the “slaveowner” has the right to life, so she has to agree to carry the “unborn one” to term.

In fact, taking the argument to its logical conclusion, anyone who has been a slaveowner can be done away with at any time. From the 19th century slaveowning time perspective, this is tempting, but not Christian. In fact, all of us were “slaveowners” of our mothers in the womb from this perspective, and thus, well, you get the point.

Alan Keyes can take over from here, and much more eloquently.

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