Some Catholic TV from Canada

It’s possible to watch some shows from Salt and Light Catholic TV online. Select the numbers on this page. Certainly much different from EWTN. Better? Worse? I like the higher quality production.  The content can be more scattered, though.  The teen show is quite scattered, although they have good intentions and decent hosts.

Listen to a computer read the Pope’s latest encyclical.  It’s not half bad.

2 comments — post a comment

Bro. Andrew, nSM


It seems to grab my attention more than EWTN.


With all due respect, Brother, I find EWTN to be much higher quality — (we have production experience in my family). Also, sometimes, some of the content that slips through on S+L is very questionable with regards to Magisterial teaching, for one example, during a report about a Catholic teacher’s gathering — some of the interviews were downright scandalous (in the Cathechism sense of the word). Sometimes some of the commentary from S+L staff is not helpful — this week one host proclaimed, “I only go to Confession once a year…” Perhaps that’s okay, but confusing if we’re trying to help young people foster a love for the Sacrament and a more sensitve conscience. On the other hand S+L does have more coverage from Rome – but it would be nice if it was not only in Italian!

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