Death of Rev. Boniface Vaisnoras, MIC

He died this morning. I just saw him on Sunday at the nursing home he was staying at. Fr. Boniface was one of the priests I deaconed for during my time in Plano and I worked with him when I was a priest there also. He was 89.

Please say a prayer for the repose of his soul.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.

I’m heading out for the funeral.

Vacation Activities

Concord Tape Deck
Working with an old reel to reel tape deck to transfer some recordings. I’ve found some episodes of “The Hour of St. Francis” radio program. Here are links to 2 episodes (can be downloaded as MP3 files):
Mr. Tompkins and St. Francis
The Victory of Father Karl
These episodes are different from the two circulating among old time radio collectors.
Update: a third episode: Out of the Depths

The above picture shows the Concord tape deck I’m working with. It’s an old gem. It says “transistorized,” but there are still some tubes in there.