Shuffling around

I discovered this music meme floating around, and although I don’t have a portable MP3 player, there is a "shuffle" option on the Windows Media Player. Many of the MP3 files on my computer are old radio shows. This should be interesting….

How does the world see you? The New Adventures of Michael Shayne

Will I have a happy life? Father Knows Best – Overdue Vacation

What do my friends really think of me? Suspense – The Too Perfect Alibi

What do people secretly think of me? Dimension X – Almost Human

How can I be happy? Have Gun Will Travel – Bring Em Back Alive

What should I do with my life? X Minus One – The Cave of Night

Will I ever have children? The Whistler – Element X

What is some good advice for me? Dimension X – Destination Moon

How will I be remembered? Suspense – Experiment 6r

What is my signature dancing song? Father Knows Best – Family Car Stolen

What do I think my current theme song is? Counterspy – Case of the Mile High Murders

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? 105 Live Report on the Popes and Social Communication

What song will play at my funeral? Hopalong Cassidy – Range War

What type of men/women do you like? Suspense – The Perfectionist

What is my day going to be like? Life of Riley – Is Riley Getting Old?

Well, so much for randomness. "Bring Em Back Alive" makes some sense–back to the Catholic Faith that is.

Of all the shows listed above, the X Minus One – "The Cave of Night" is probably the one I would recommend the most. It’s a sci-fi story that seems rather simple, but just wait…  One possible place to listen to the show (but not download it) is here.


While looking through the newspaper, I discovered that–not only do I not want to see any of the movies out now in the theater, I don’t even want to see them later on DVD.

Of the summer blockbusters I have heard of, none stand out as "must-see" movies.

Maybe I’m just out of touch with the times, or is it the movies?


Matt Maher’s new CD is out.

I have the intention of buying a copy. I’m going to have to review the steps for completing a human act…

On the turntable:

Dvorak’s Stabat Mater

On an unrelated note, I recently heard an old Suspense radio show from the days when they were not crime-dramas but stories of drama in real life (early 50’s).  This episode was called "Around the World" and dealt with the true story of a car race from New York to Paris via Siberia–in 1908!  There is a documentary being produced about it.

In the midst of life

I would like to mention an awesome gift I got for my ordination.  It’s bound volumes of every issue of Our Lady’s Digest from 1946-1963, from an old seminary library.  The magazine ran into the 1990’s, so I don’t have the complete run, but this set is plenty for me.

If you’ve never heard of the magazine, obviously you are not alone.  It was produced in the days when there were tons of Catholic magazines, and it selected articles about Our Lady from them.  Some of my favorites are the comic book-form stories of Our Lady.  Needless to say, it’s quite a treasure.

As you probably already know…

The U.S. bishops have a decent website battling apostasy (caused by the Da Vinci Code) — Jesus Decoded.  I am optimistic that the movie will not do as well as people expect, but in the end…

11: Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.
12: Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay every one for what he has done.
13: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
14: Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.

From the book of Revelation Ch. 22 (RSV)

the search for LPs

CDs are fine, but if I can get the music I’m looking for at a thrift shop for $2, $1, 50¢, and sometimes even 20¢, then I will take advantage of the situation.  The LPs at thrift shops vary widely, and those in bigger cities are often picked over.  Of course, I’m partial to St. Vincent de Paul stores because they are Catholic-owned.  My interest in classical music has provided the opportunity to look for LPs that others consider "trash."

Another source is Great Lakes Records, a store in Milwaukee that has literally hundreds of thousands of records, and they keep the prices fairly low.  I’ve purchased some real gems there, including James Swittel’s Hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary and John McCormack sings Sacred Music.  They have every genre you can imagine.

A return to regularly scheduled programming

I’m beginning my regular schedule as a priest.  I was getting used to contiuous instability, but now, it’s time to get to the everyday tasks.

On the turntable:  Anton Bruckner’s 9th symphony–conducted by Gunter Wand–a Musical Heritage Society LP.  This symphony was panned in its day, but now is experiencing some resurgance.  I like it because it reminds me of a movie soundtrack.  In some ways, it could have been an inspiration for the Lord of the Rings soundtrack.

A blog to check out:  Canticle of Chiara.